
خاتمة بحث بالانجليزي..افضل 11 خاتمة مميزة!

في هذا المقال يقدم موقع طريقك دوت كومأفضل عشرة برجراف او خاتمة بحث بالانجليزي.

وبالتالي فهي مساعدة كبيرة لأي شخص يكتب بحث باللغة الإنجليزية حيث يمكن نقلها كما هي. كما يمكن إضافة بعض المعلومات حتي تتناسب مع بحثك بنسبة 100%.

كيف تكتب خاتمة ممتازة لبحث باللغة الإنجليزية

لا تختلف طريقة كتابة خاتمة البحث هذه عن طريقة كتابة خاتمة البحث باللغة العربية. وفيما يلي سنذكر أهم الخطوات وهي كالتالي:

  • مثلما يتم بداية خاتمة البحث العربي بكلمات تعبر عن النهاية ككلمات وفي نهاية القول وختاما و……. ففي أي بحث بالإنجليزية لابد من بداية الخاتمة بإحدى الكلمات الإنجليزية التي تؤكد على بداية فقرة خاتمة البحث:
    • we now come to the end
    • I would like to inform you that I have come to the end
    • Finally,
    • In the last lines of this research
    • In conclusion
    • And because every beginning must have an end, here I conclude my research on(———–)
  • أيضا يجب لخيص محتوى المقال مع سرد أهم معوقات البحث. بالاضافة الي والأساليب التي اعتمد عليها الباحث في إعداد بحثه مع ذكر المصادر.
  • من بين الجمل التي يفضل استخدامها عندكتابة خاتمة اي بحث بالانجليزي:
    • In brief, I think that (————–) is really (————)
    • Finally, it is quite clear that(————)
    • In conclusion I can say that (————)
    • To conclude, I would like to confess that (————–)
    • Finally, we have to admit that (———–)
    • At the end, I hope I have completed what you want to know about this topic. Talking about that was not easy. I did my best to you enjoy reading.
    • To sum up, I think that this topic has to be taken in consideration by both our government and the people.
    • And this is all what I can say about that topic
    • And I hope that Allah help me in writing this interesting subject

قم بإنهاء الخاتمة أسلوب لغوي صحي خالٍ من اي أخطاء في كتابة الكلمات ويلتزم بقواعد اللغة الإنجليزية.

أفضل 11 خاتمة بحث بالانجليزي

الخاتمة الأولى

And here we come to our research on the topic (———) and I thank Allah Almighty who enabled me to do this research. I have put a lot of effort into making the research come out in this honorable way. All I hope is that the ideas have been explained clearly.

Praise be to Allah for my ability to present this research, and I hope that it will be without errors.

الخاتمة الثانية

And because every beginning must have an end, here I conclude my research on the topic (——–). And here I am, with Allah’s blessing, grace, and grace, reaching the end of this modest research that is looking at (——). I hope that you like it and that it expresses greatly the effort and hard work in studying (——–). In the end, I hope that my pen has succeeded in presenting the research correctly.

I pray to Allah that I will be successful in my research and that you will forgive me for any unintended error. I thank you all for your kind reading.

الخاتمة الثالثة

In conclusion, I would like to thank you, and I hope that this research reflects the effort that I made in this research. I hope that this research will provide a great benefit in the field of (———-). I also hope that I have covered this topic in all its aspects in a smooth manner. I hope I have succeeded in arousing your curiosity to continue reading this paper and to understand what I wanted to clarify.

الخاتمة الرابعة

Now that we have reached the end of this humble research, praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers, the Master of Creation, and upon his family and companions altogether. I hope, dear reader, that I have succeeded in writing about this important subject.

الخاتمة الخامسة

In the last lines of this research, I hope that I have succeeded in clarifying the subject of the research in a smooth and integrated manner. Here we come to the end of the research on (———) and its study from all aspects. I have tried to present briefly everything related to this subject.

May this research be in the interest and benefit of the Islamic nation. Praise be to Allah, peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings.

الخاتمة السادسة

By the end of this research, I hope you will like it. I translated everything I thought and tried my best to present the ideas clearly and coherently. I hope I have succeeded in presenting the ideas in a coherent manner. We ask Allah Almighty to help us advance the best research that benefits Muslims and the Islamic nation. At the end of this research, it must be emphasized that it was written in a logical and professional manner. A lot of effort has been made in writing it and compiling its content in order to appear in the best way.

I am also very grateful for your patience in reading the research, may Allah’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you

خاتمة بحث بالانجليزي رقم سبعة

Finally, I have reached the end of this research, which I hope will be unique and interesting and that it will not cause you to feel bored. One of the most important goals when writing it is for it to be the starting point for every researcher who researches and studies such urgent and serious issues. I hope it will have a positive effect on the topic (————-) in the future. And I apologize if I made any mistake, and if it happened, it was unintentionally. Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you, and praise be to Allah, with whose grace good deeds are accomplished.

الخاتمة الثامنة

Here I would like to inform you that I have come to the end of this interesting topic. And I sincerely thank you for following this research from beginning to end. I hope this research will be excellent and full of valuable information. And I ask Allah, the Blessed and Most High, to make this research useful and useful for everyone who reads it

الخاتمة التاسعة

I hope that I have succeeded in covering the topic (——–) without any lengthening. Praise be to Allah who helped me to complete this research. In this research we were keen to present (——-) and discussed many aspects. We also shed light through this study on the most important solutions and the most important recommendations on (——–). All questions were answered and the pros and cons mentioned.

الخاتمة العاشرة

At the end of this topic, I hope that I have presented all my ideas to you in a coordinated and coherent manner. I hope that I have succeeded in showing the importance of this subject in all its aspects.

At the end of this research on (—————-) we ask Allah to make it useful for all researchers. In conclusion, we only say peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you

Of course, I would like to thank you for your interest and reading (——) this research. Thank you very much.

الخاتمة الحادية عشر

Thus, we now come to the end of this topic, hoping that you like it. I have done my best in this research to present all the elements clearly. I hope that I succeeded in benefiting the reader. We ask Allah – Blessed and Exalted be He – to make this research a topic of interest and benefit to Muslims. May He guide us and you to all that He loves and pleases, and praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds. Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah

كانت هذه افضل 11 خاتمة بحث بالانجليزي يمكنك الاستعانة بها في بحثك.

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